If your driving license has just been suspended as a result of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs, you will need to enroll in a DUI class to get your license back. In recent times, telehealth DUI classes have increasingly become more popular. In the past, telehealth DUI classes were only available to those with no form of access to in-person DUI classes. There remain concerns regarding the effectiveness of telehealth DUI classes. However, both telehealth and in-person DUI classes have their benefits and cons. In this article, you will learn the different benefits of telehealth and in-person DUI classes so that you can determine which is the better option for you.

Benefits of Telehealth DUI Classes

Telehealth DUI classes are much more convenient and less embarrassing than traditional in-person DUI classes. They can be taken from the comfort of your own home at your own pace and save you the embarrassment of telling others that it’s for DUI. You will also not need to take leave from work to attend the in-person DUI classes and have to tell your employer that it is DUI-related. Another thing to consider when opting for telehealth classes is that you will need access to a computer or laptop and stable internet. Telehealth DUI classes also tend to be much cheaper than in-person DUI classes since you won’t need to spend additional expenses on transportation.

Benefits of In-Person DUI Classes

Various studies have found that telehealth DUI classes cause a decrease in learning retention and may be less effective in absorbing the information just learned. This could potentially impact the ability to understand the risks and consequences of drinking while intoxicated. In-person DUI classes are a great way to physically interact with people who are similarly dealing with the same issues and struggles as you. This is beneficial as it reminds you that you are not alone in your DUI journey and to keep going forward.

As such, those who struggle with an alcohol addiction or are repeat offenders tend to benefit more from in-person DUI classes as it provides them with extra support and guidance that they may require to overcome their addictions. With in-person DUI classes, you would not need access to a computer or the internet.

Choose Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group for Your DUI Classes

At Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, our DUI education programs are curated to meet the needs and circumstances of each individual. We not only have classes to educate first-time offenders and minimize the risks of reoffending in the future, but we also conduct DUI classes targeted at multiple offenders to make them aware of the consequences and dangers associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Our DUI classes comprise educational and counseling sessions to get you back on track and assist you in getting your driving license back.